Make Sure Every Kid has a Gift this Christmas
One of the great nights every season is our very special “Teddy Bear Toss” night at the Utilita Arena
Steelers have once again joined up with Hallam FM and their “Mission Christmas” appeal.
We ask that you bring bears and soft toys (in a plastic bag to stop them getting wet and dirty when you throw them into the ice)
When the Steelers score their first goal of the night we are that you “Air the Bear” and throw them onto the ice

Game and Ticket Details
Saturday 16th December
Steelers Vs. Fife Flyers
Utilita Arena
Face Off 7.00pm
Doors and Shop Open 5.30pm
Tickets … “Buy HERE”
The Teddy Bear Toss is being supported by Veezu Taxi’s (formerly City Taxi’s)

Games In December